The Uniform Patrol Division, directed by the Uniform Services Captain, provides the first line of law enforcement response for the communities of Brunswick County. The division consists of two Lieutenants and four First Sergeants who assist the Division Commander by supervising the patrol squads. The four Patrol Squads work in fixed shifts providing services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Lieutenant Tate Bond

Lieutenant Tate Bond

1st Sgt. Boynton

1st Sgt. Boynton

Adam Shift

1st Sgt. Brown

1st Sgt. Brown

Baker Shift

1st Sgt. Woods

1st Sgt. Woods

Charlie Shift

1st Sgt. Stephenson

1st Sgt. Stephenson

Delta Shift

Duties & Responsibilities

A First Sergeant, who also acts as the Watch Commander, and two Sergeants supervise the field operations of each squad. Patrol Deputies receive hours of in-service training in various topic areas to provide a wide range of technical expertise and knowledge to better serve our communities. They answer calls for service, serve warrants, serve domestic violence protective orders and perform various other duties required by the public such as:

  • Escorts for charity events
  • Funeral escorts
  • Assist Fire and Rescue at emergency scenes/Hazmat/Disaster/Severe Weather
  • Search and rescue for lost/missing person(s)
  • Assist Crime Prevention Unit with presentations/demonstrations
  • Transport of mentally ill to other counties
  • Accompany inmates at hospitals
  • Assist with unlocking vehicles when children are locked in same
  • Assist local municipal departments

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