The Detention Operations staff is directly accountable to the Detention Command Staff for implementation of all the command staffs orders and direction concerning the operation of the Brunswick County Detention Center.

1st Sgt. Christina Wilson
Operations Supervisor

1st Sgt. Mel Nicely
Operations Supervisor

1st Sgt. Letha Hollins
Operations Supervisor

1st Sgt. Lori McKeithan
Operations Supervisor
Classification Division
The Classification Division is responsible for the evaluation and placement of inmates in housing areas with inmates of similar backgrounds and characteristics in order to maintain the security of the facility and the safety of inmates and staff.
Classification evaluation is based on criminal sophistication, seriousness of crime charged, presence or absence of assaultive behavior, age, and other criteria that may impact the safety of the prisoners and staff. The division also clears inmate workers for worker status, including trustees and road crew.

1st Sgt. Kenneth Sullivan
Classification Officer

William Hager
Classification Officer
Pretrial Release Program

1st Sgt. Donald Baldry
The pretrial release program is very different from secure incarceration and there are very strict guidelines placed upon those inmates participating in the program. Inmates must first be approved for the privilege of participation by their sentencing judge. Inmates are then screened for suitability based on their current charges, criminal history and documented behavior while in the jail. These inmates are scrutinized closely to protect the public and deputies while the inmates are on the program.
Transportation Division
The Transportation Division is made up of two deputies with three transport vans, with each van being able to transport 11 individuals securely. The Division is responsible for the transportation needs for the inmates that are in the Detention Facility, as well as individuals that require psychological evaluations, special appointments, emergency room services, treatment for various mental health disorders and for substance abuse.
Inmates are brought to and picked up from Brunswick County per court order of a District or Superior Court Judge for court appearances. Inmates in the Department of Corrections are transported to Brunswick County by the Department of Corrections and are returned by the Brunswick County Detention Center Transport Unit. On average, the two deputies travel between 8,000 and 12,000 miles per month, combined.

Dep. Jonathan Jordan